Tuition Cost is monthly.
Cost based on total classes for the year held at your school at a rate of $18.15 per class with more or less classes occurring in some months due to school closures and national holidays.
Tuition Cost is monthly.
Kindness Kids Tumble Gym Bus does not operate on school holidays. Review your school calendar for holiday closures at your school. All holidays and closures have been taken into account in your monthly tuition cost.
If you have any questions regarding billing, prefer to receive an invoice via email, or have inquiries about your child's participation please contact Melissa "Miss Mel" Dillon via the contact information below. We're super flexible and happy to work with you in a way that feels comfortable for your budget and planning.
Business Phone/Text*: 6783905220 | Cell Phone/Text*: 6193055396
*Note: During business hours, it's challenging to answer the phone while with little ones. So please do allow up to 2 business days for a response for non-urgent requests. Text message and Class Dojo are ALWAYS the best way to get ahold of Melissa or your child's teacher in the event you need to inform them of urgent changes to your child's participation.
Email: [email protected]